Why take hair & nails vitamins & supplements

40 years ago, PHYTO Paris launched the first food supplement for hair and nails: PHYTOPHANÈRE. Patrick Alès understood that it's important for hair to receive all the nutrients it needs to grow healthy, stronger and more resistant. Let's see the many benefits of dietary supplements for stronger hair and nails.

Hair and nails, a somatic reflection of your state of mind

The hair is mainly composed of keratin, in which you'll find small cavities called follicles. These follicles need to be nourished by nutrient-rich blood! That's why it's essential to provide the hair with what it needs - in sufficient quantities!

Ingredient analysis: what does your hair need

- Vitamin B6
: To grow well, keratin needs certain nutrients, such as Vitamin B6, that contribute to the production of cysteine, a component of keratin!
- Vitamin E: Crucial for its antioxidant properties to repair damaged hair. Besides, it stimulates the immune system and blood circulation - which helps improve hair growth!
- Vitamin C: This one takes care of the collagen in our hair and nails, helping it to form and protect it from oxidative stress. The collagen in your hair and nails provides the suppleness, elasticity and shine you dream of, thanks to the amino acids found in the collagen.
- Amino acids: Fundamentals for the production of healthy keratin. The body needs 18 different types of amino acids to create keratin proteins. So an adequate level of amino acids leads to optimum production of keratin – and so to contribute to hair health, overall!
- Essential fatty acids: They strengthen the hydrolipidic film of the hair, giving it all the shine it craves. These fatty acids will transform dry, dull hair into shiny, well-nourished hair!
- Zinc: As an antioxidant oligo-element, it’ll allow the pigments to transfer correctly into the hair.
- Iron: You need it to activate hair regrowth

Why do we need dietary supplements for hair and nails?

Taking food supplements for hair helps it in different ways: first, because by giving them the nutrients they need, they become stronger and more resistant. Second, by being stronger, they will grow faster. You will soon find that your hair grows better and quicker while taking the correct amount of vitamins and actives!

How to choose the right dietary supplement for stronger hair and nails?

There are many you can purchase online or from your local pharmacy. Ideally, you will need to look for the most complete formulas, which will need to contain all the above-mentioned vitamins and acids in the right amount, for persistent, healthy growth! If you see a difference in price between different brands and offers, always look at the quantity for each active ingredient, this will help with your choice. You will look for natural components as well, there you’ll get the best of both worlds.

PHYTO developed the first dietary supplement for strong hair and nails in 1969

PHYTO Paris has been a pioneer of dietary supplements, back in the early 70s. Enriched with the best essential fatty acids and vitamins for the hair, PHYTOPHANERE maintains its original formula since its creation. Best-selling worldwide, the gel capsules became a cult and are now indispensable must-haves for hair loss treatments.

How and when to take PHYTOPHANERE dietary supplements for hair and nails?

PHYTOPHANÈRE is to be used as a 3-month cure, during seasonal changes. Hair loss is particularly strong during spring and fall! Why 3 months? Isn't it too long? Well, that's the time it takes for metabolism to receive all the nutrients and transfer them to the hair follicles.
The ritual is simple: every morning, take 2 capsules of PHYTOPHANERE with a full glass of water, and that's it!

A dietary supplement, not a substitution

Of course, PHYTOPHANÈRE gel capsules will never compensate for a varied and balanced diet: vitamins, omegas, fatty acids... firstly, we will need to look for these actives in the food we eat. But PHYTOPHANÈRE is really useful as a complement to a diet, especially because the concentration of some of the nutrients present in PHYTOPHANERE is impossible to find in everyday aliments.

A supplement to the haircare ritual

PHYTOPHANERE took alone, isn't the ultimate solution for beautiful healthy hair. Natural vitamins take time to work and aren't a magic wand. Taking care of nutrients on the inside, and, above all, take care of hair strands on the outside!
Make sure to nail down your ideal hair care ritual according to your scalp needs, and hair type. This ritual must be as complete as you need: pre-shampoo, shampoo, mask, leave-in... you have no idea on what products you should adopt, ok, do the hair care diagnostic.
Now that you know all the right reasons to adopt PHYTOPHANÈRE, it's time for you to do things right and prepare to flaunt seamless hair.

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